RSTOR | ASA Computers


Your Data Your Way


ASA Computers is now a partner of RStor to provide software solutions and to offer multi cloud platform for enterprise performance computing to eliminate the need for complex data replication.

The RStor Multicloud Platform is an entirely new way to Secure, Connect and Orchestrate resources for Enterprise Performance Computing. RStor was founded with the mission to aggregate and automate compute resources from private data centers, public cloud providers, and trusted supercomputing centers on a next generation networking fabric. Headquartered in Saratoga, CA, RStor is led by senior executives from some of the most important brands in cloud computing and enterprise technology. The founding team created Rackable, the hardware provider of choice for leading hyperscale environments, constructed the infrastructure for Facebook, and built a successful data storage company - Optical Archive Inc., acquired by Sony. At RStor, we are innovating on behalf of customers to deliver efficient, secure and easy to use cloud computing capabilities.
RStor Logo

RStor Cloud Services


eliminate both cloud service provider regionality and vendor lock-in.

RStorage provides a distributed file and object storage solution at up to 80% lower cost than the industry standard with no extraneous charges.

Currently, the unpredictable costs associated with accessing data with cloud service providers (CSPs) is egregious and unnecessary. Accessing mission-critical data incurs substantial costs, which are difficult to predict.

With RStorage, customers realize true predictable fixed cost with no lock-in and no restrictions, giving them clear ownership of their business model. All data is encrypted end-to-end to provide the most security.

Data Independence

RStorage Benefits

Cost Saving

Cost Savings

No egress, ingress or API charges

Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery

Three copy, geographically distributed region free data protection

Broad Availability

Broad Availability

Available via direct cross connections at multiple Coresite and Equinix locations as well as direct interconnections to major CSPs like AWS, Azure and GCP.

Request Information

To speak with one of our RStor Cloud Services solution expert please call us at +1 650-230-8000.
You can also email us at '' or simply click on the 'Request Info' button.
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